September 12

September 12, 2018 // Devotional+Holiness in High Country

Read: Psalms 119:129-135

The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalms 119:130).

Thy Word Is A Light

Today we come to a turn of the road in our exploration of God’s high country of holiness. Thus far we have followed a logically organized study of this great Christian truth. Always we have looked at the Biblical foundation for our faith, but from this point forward we shall do so more intently.

We turn now to an examination of both Old and New Testament passages that have significant relevance for holiness teaching. We shall begin in Genesis and finish in Revelation. Some of these scriptures have already been used in our earlier explorations, but we shall seek to probe their meanings more deeply. Some of them have been little used in holiness teaching but they deserve attention.

As we begin this special approach let us recall Bishop Foster’s testimony to the place of Christian holiness in the Bible: “It breathes in the prophecy, thunders in the law, murmurs in the narrative, whispers in the promises, supplicates in the prayers, sparkles in the poetry, resounds in the songs, speaks in the types, glows in the imagery, voices in the language, and burns in the spirit of the whole scheme… Holiness! holiness needed! holiness required! holiness offered! holiness attainable! holiness a present duty, a present privilege, a present enjoyment… It is the truth glowing all over… the glorious truth which sparkles and whispers, and sings and shouts in all its history, and biography, and poetry, and prophecy, and precept, and promise, and prayer… The wonder is that all do not see, that any rise up to question a truth so conspicuous, so glorious, so full of comfort” (Christian Purity).

The answer to the Bishop’s wonder is found in the profound truth of our text: “The entrance of thy words giveth light.” God’s Word becomes light only as we sincerely open our hearts to its truth.

Prayer For These Days

Spirit of God, make Thy words light for my way. In Jesus” name I ask it.

Interchurch Holiness Convention

18931 Route 522

Beaver Springs, PA 17812

Phone: 570-658-1030
