June 25
Read: Galatians 5:16-18, 24-25
If we live by the Spirit, let us also be directed by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25, Berkeley Version).
Walk In The Spirit
For the past three weeks we have been exploring the glorious possibilities of the clean and empowered life which are opened to us through the experience of entire sanctification. We turn our attention today to suggestions for maintaining a life of personal victory. In Berkeley’s translation of our text a great Bible truth comes into clearer focus. The meaning is, If we have been made alive by the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Glorious and wonderful as our experience of God may have been during the first hours after receiving the Holy Spirit, the real test and the practical outcomes of Christian perfection show up in the days that follow. It is wonderful to receive the blessing of entire sanctification, but it is still more glorious to maintain the blessing and to live the sanctified life.
It is well to be able to look back to an experience when we knew that God forgave our sins. It is well to know the day that He sanctified us wholly. But spiritual life is not nourished by memories alone. The assurance of six years ago — or six weeks ago — is not enough. Have I had contact with God’s Holy Spirit today? Have I thought about Him? Been checked by Him? Felt His prompting to say a kind word or to do a right deed that took a little courage? Have I asked counsel of Him? Renewed a promise to Him? Had my spirit gladdened by an inner assurance of His presence and approval of my life? This is to walk in the Spirit. It is this Spirit-directed life to which God calls me. It is this walk in the Spirit for which I pray.
Lord, I am pleading; hear Thou my prayer. Let me Thy blessed fellowship share. From day to day Thy servant I’d be. Grant me a closer walk with Thee.*
— Haldor Lillenas
*Copyright 1924 and 1952 by Lillenas Publishing Co.