October 17
Read: II Corinthians 5:17
A new heart also will I give you (Ezekiel 36:26).
A New Heart
When we see the holiness of God, and sense our own unholy character our spirits cry out for a change. What we need is not new surroundings but a new self. No change counts much for a man except one that changes him.
It is at this point that God proposes to meet our needs; He changes our lives by changing our hearts. Because we are changed persons we have different desires. We can testify with Paul, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed: away; behold, all things are become new.”
The new heart which God promises is nothing less than a new self. We are different persons. Moffatt translates our text, “I will give you a new nature.” This substitution of a new heart for the old one implies a radical change in the character and direction of our desires. It is an internal revolution. From this changed heart there will come changed conduct, new habits, and a different destiny.
Does the life we are now living reflect a heart made new by the Holy Spirit? Or do we still desire the things of the world rather than the things of God? Does this world absorb our attention and conquer us when “we ought to rule it and use it for heaven”?
“A new heart will I give you.” This is God’s promise. Never have men needed it more than we do. Shall we not take God at His word and accept it?
Prayer For Today
Lord, give me this new heart, this new nature, these new desires and attitudes. Give me a heart like Thine.