December 10
Read: Hebrews 7:24-27
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).
Saved To The Uttermost
Does accurate interpretation permit us to use this passage as evidence for full salvation? Dr. Charles Ewing Brown answers Yes.
“What are the facts? The Greek word here translated ‘uttermost’ occurs only twice in the New Testament. In Luke 13:11 it means ‘completely.’ ‘Behold there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and utterly unable to lift up herself.’
“In Hebrews 7, Christ is contrasted with the priests of the old law. They were priests who had infirmity; Christ was a perfected priest. They were ‘not suffered to continue by reason of death,’ but he had an unchangeable priesthood. Thus Christ is not only greater than the priests of the Jewish law because he lives forever, but he is also greater because he is not subject to their weakness and incompleteness. Their system was weak and unprofitable (v. 18). It made nothing perfect (v. 19). Their priests were made without an oath (v. 21). There were many of them, but only one Christ (v. 23). They had to offer sacrifices for their own sins (v. 27), and they had infirmities (v. 28). By implication they were unholy, defiled, and by nature sinners (v. 26).
“In at least three modern English Testaments this word is translated ‘utterly,’ that is, as indicating that Christ’s salvation is complete and perfect. And with them agrees Alford. On this passage he writes: ‘He is able to save (in its usual solemn New Testament sense, to rescue from sin and condemnation) to the uttermost… completeness, not duration, is its idea'” (The Meaning of Sanctification, Warner Press).
Saved to the uttermost! Cheerfully sing Loud Hallelujahs to Jesus, my King. Ransomed and pardoned, redeemed by His blood, Cleansed from unrighteousness — glory to God!
— W. J. Kirkpatrick